
It is over.



Anonymous said...

Hi Reese,

It's your old friend of a friend that rascally Hillary supporter. You are obviously relieved that it is over. Thanks to a massive dose o'sexism and to 73% positive stories for Obama and 38% positive stories for Clinton from MSNBC alone..the corporate media has done the voting for us. You know that words matter.. So I would submit to you that the media has controlled this vote. Google Obama's Narrator in the New York Times April 1, 2007. You will get a sense of how much words have mattered in the 4 year old Obama infomercial created by the democratic Karl Rove. I sincerely hope that I am wrong here. Maybe Obama does have all the right words to dig us out of a 9 trillion dollar deficit, I hope he can pay back China, Japan, the Middle East, etc. He certainly mislead the American people about Hillary's so called War Vote. I hope that the 4 year old campaign of words can save the World, I really do. I may disagree with you but I do appreciate your website anyway. It's great that you invite discourse! Please read the article I described above, I'd loved to hear the reasons to vote for your candidate because I am interested in hearing from you!

Tara of Oregon

Anonymous said...

NOW it is over. And I am MAJORLY bummed. Also, a little bit angry at Obama. The fucker. Bringing his prom king charm in at a time when the world really needed Hillary. I'm also a little bit angry at you Obama supporters. Blinded by a cult of personality, and now we're left with milktoast, when we could have had a tiger.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't understand your hostility toward Obama. He won because he is the better candidate...but you have to also understand the deep and abiding distrust of the Clintons in American politics, especially from the grass-roots advicates who have come out in this election strong for Obama.

Clinton came in to the campaign thinking she would win it handily...she underestimated her opponent and overestimated her support, and that is a big part of why she lost. I don't begrudge her for fighting for it until the end, but she lost in a fair fight. In that, Obama's campaign did a better job of organizing and planning, and that is the spirit I would like to see in the White House, not a tiger who might again try to go-it-alone and leave american foreign policy driven by private interests.

I have been reading a history of the US presidency, and this Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton hold is what they feared; institutionalizing dynasty. The country is ready to turn the page.