
Googled (earth)

I've been absorbed in my Google Earth application a bit too much lately, scouring the deserts of Africa, flying over the Tibetan plateau, diving into the grand canyon. While I am landlocked and otherwise engaged, it offers some kind of proxy traveling experience.

While exploring the deserts of the Sudan recently, I came across some interesting villages in, what seems a Martian-like environment. But the villages are rather unique, and one can easily follow camel trails to other villages in the region. Fascinating. Here are the coordinates:

13 49 51.79 N 25 37 E

Just copy and paste that into the search window of G. Earth.



Anonymous said...

We all have our uses of google earth. :) I don't see how they make money at it, but its extremely useful for flying over terrain for planning mountain climbing, backpacking or hiking trips.

Here is one of Mt. Daniel a place I am gonna venture up into in March.

Anonymous said...


Looks like some good hiking. When you get a chance to be in NM try taking this one on. It's an easy day hike, just watch out for marmots.